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At 4care, we believe that good food and balance dietary is essential to happy and healthy life for both mind and body

That is why we put our effort into research and development,combining latest technology and knowledge of food science, to bring about our innovative food product that is not only delicious but also packed with balance nutrition and real health benefits.

Our TASTIFIT Coconut Cream Alternative is the first to be introduce to the market, as innovative, healthier solution to regular coconut cream, recognized by Department of Intellectual Property with patent of our proprietary process. And we did not stop there, with new product launches every year, we are committed to improve the lives and health of our customers through variety of products. From BALANCE Cereal drink, TASTIFIT Healthy Cream, DELICARE Lite Whipping Cream, DELICARE ICE Cream Mix, and many more. With are determined to redefine the definition of health dietary to a delicious happy meal full of nutritional value.